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For a Limited
Time ONLY:

up to
80% OFF

with up to $582 in Never Before Released Bonuses

Get On-Demand, Permanent Access to the Documentary Film of the Decade

Up to 80% OFF & FREE Bonuses during the Opening Premiere viewing window

Packages Includes:

  • Shocking Never-Before-Seen Footage
  • Handpicked Resources and Tools Tailored for Impact and Insight.
  • And FREE Bonuses worth up to $582

The Woke Revealed Documentary

Offers the documentary in various formats, ensuring you can enjou the film in a way that suits your lifestyle

  • Complete 2-Part Film
  • PLUS Audio mp3 of the film
  • PLUS Complete Transcript of the film in pdf format

Yes! Send i want on demand access to silver

A more comprehensive experience with all the benefits of the Silver Package and much more, allowing for an in-depth exploration

  • Complete 2-Part Film
  • PLUS 20+ hours of the most fascinating full-length uncut interviews - backstage and behind the scenes (digital + DVD)
  • PLUS Audio mp3 of the film AND 20+ hours of uncut interviews
  • PLUS Complete Transcript in pdf format AND 20+ hours of uncut interviews
  • PLUS How to Win the Woke Debate
  • PLUS Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids

Yes! Send i want on demand access to gold

Lift the Veil on the Alarming Reality
It’s Almost too Late to Ignore

Now You Can Watch Woke Revealed
On Your Own Schedule -- Whenever, Wherever, However Often, and With Whomever You Choose…

When you join us by owning Woke Revealed, you are supporting our ability to continue to bring you the truth.

You see…

Your safety, freedom, and well-being are all at risk from power-hungry psychopaths who don’t care about your best interests…

One viewing is never enough to really grasp all the insights, secrets, and helpful information shared in Woke Revealed because…

The depth of the infiltration into our culture of freedom is overwhelming.

Woke Revealed exposes topics so complex and multi-layered, you'll find yourself rewinding scenes, pausing to digest, and revisiting episodes to gain a fuller understanding… While thinking about “who else needs to see this?”

There is so much ground to cover… and so many uncomfortable truths to confront… that the sheer volume could lead to a sense of paralysis—making it all too easy for you to do nothing.

And yet…

Here's the risk: Doing nothing leaves you vulnerable. It leaves you unprepared and uninformed, susceptible to the very changes you'll learn about in the series.

Is this the kind of world you want to live in? Is this the sort of legacy you want to leave behind? Do you feel like it’s time to take action now?

How 'Woke Revealed'
Changes Perspectives

In today's world, cutting through media spin to find the real story feels like an uphill battle. "Woke Revealed" hands you the reins, empowering you to unearth the truth and shape the narrative on your own terms.

Empowerment with Knowledge: Unmatched insights into the mechanics of 'woke culture'—become well-versed in its origins, objectives, and the contradictions that could affect your freedom, workplace harmony, and community values.

Enhanced Communication Skills: Equip yourself with the argumentative tools necessary to engage in civil and constructive discussions about 'woke culture,' even in polarized settings, ensuring your views are heard while maintaining respect and openness.

Strategies for Navigating 'Woke Culture' in Personal and Professional Life: Discover practical strategies to navigate and address 'woke culture' ramifications in your workplace and social circles, enhancing your confidence in advocating for a balanced and inclusive environment.

Community and Support: Join a community of critical thinkers and truth-seekers, offering mutual support as you explore the depths of 'woke culture' and advocate for reasoned discourse over ideological imposition.

Proactive Solutions for Protecting Free Speech and Diversity of Thought: Access a treasure trove of proactive solutions and preventive measures to safeguard your right to free speech and encourage a genuine diversity of thought in an increasingly intolerant societal landscape.

Emotional and Intellectual Growth: Experience profound emotional and intellectual growth as you engage with content that challenges the status quo, encouraging a deeper understanding of societal dynamics and your role within them.

Mitigated Risk of Conflict in Personal and Professional Settings: Learn how to effectively de-escalate potential conflicts arising from 'woke culture' discussions, ensuring that your professional and personal relationships remain robust and constructive.

Plus, along with the series you get these exclusive bonuses for Woke Revealed gold community members


Discussions too bold for mainstream, too honest for the evening news, and too enlightening to miss.

This is where the narrative unfolds in its most unapologetic form.

The courageous voices showcased in Woke Revealed took monumental risks to bring this crucial knowledge to light. Their careers, privacy, even their very safety, have been jeopardized. They stand in the face of relentless assault, all because they chose to speak up.

While the Woke Revealed Documentary captures the essence of their message, it's merely a peek through the keyhole. Each expert's dialogue, rich in depth and detail, was distilled to moments in a narrative constrained by time.

You might wonder...

Why withhold anything in a documentary of such critical importance?

The answer is simple. While the documentary offers the key insights necessary for your awareness and defense, the full expanse of these conversations goes even deeper into the shadowed corridors of power and influence.

That little more is 20+ hours of uncut, uncensored, unfiltered, behind-the-scenes content of some of the most feared experts in the world.

Feared by the people who don’t want this information to be released.

This collection features unguarded moments with experts like [NAME], [NAME], and [NAME]—individuals whose revelations shake the foundations of the silenced majority.

Due to the explosive nature of these discussions, this vault of knowledge is kept under lock and key, released only to a select few committed to piercing the veil of mainstream silence.


This isn't just another sit-down chat. This is the ultimate reveal, a chance to witness the unbridled truth that even a platform as renowned as the Joe Rogan Podcast might shy away from.

It’s raw, intense, and highly invigorating.

By choosing the GOLD package, you’ll be one of the few people in the world with access to this information. With it… You can do anything you want now.

Who are you going to expose the Woke agenda to first?

Step behind the curtain. Experience the raw, potent dialogues that could shift your perception and empower your stance in a world that favors shadows over light. This is your key to a deeper understanding, a more profound awakening.

BONUS: Audio-Only Version of Every Explosive Interview and Documentary – Exclusive Bonus Only Available in Gold

$47 FREE

Immerse yourself in the untold stories of "Woke Revealed" like never before – through the power of audio.

We're giving you the keys to a trove of knowledge, with the entire documentary and every in-depth interview in MP3 format.

Why restrict your learning journey to the screen? Real enlightenment moves with you, adapting to your pace, your lifestyle, and your preferred way of consuming groundbreaking content.

  • On-Demand Access: Rediscover the thrill of unfiltered conversations and the poignant narrative of the documentary anytime, anywhere. Whether you're gearing up for a workout, stuck in traffic, or simply enjoying the tranquility of your morning coffee, the voices of truth and reason are just a play button away.
  • Seamless Integration: With audio-only MP3s, integrate the profound insights of "Woke Revealed" into your daily routine without needing to dedicate screen time. It’s the perfect complement to the bustling life of a truth-seeker.
  • Endless Replayability: Engage with the material on a deeper level with the ability to replay, pause, and reflect on the segments that resonate with you the most. Each listen promises a new layer of understanding, a fresh angle, or a previously missed nuance.

This is your invitation to a unique, flexible journey through the narratives and truths that "Woke Revealed" brings into the light. It’s not just about listening; it’s about integrating invaluable insights into the fabric of your everyday life.

BONUS: Transcripts of Every Explosive Interview and Documentary – Exclusive Bonus Only Available in Gold

$47 FREE

Every word. Every revelation…

Every groundbreaking idea from "Woke Revealed" and the eye-opening interviews – all meticulously transcribed in easy-to-read pdf format.

Why would we go to such lengths?

Because we know the power of words, and we understand your thirst for knowledge and the unvarnished truth that's too often glossed over in mainstream narratives.

Here’s what you get:

  • Full Access: Every pivotal moment, every controversial truth, every bold declaration – nothing is held back. You won’t just hear the voices of our experts; you’ll be able to read their words, reflect on their insights, and revisit them as often as you need.
  • Deep Dive: With this bonus, you have the freedom to dive into the depths of our discussions, to catch the subtle nuances and the powerful statements that could be missed in a single viewing.
  • On Your Terms: Whether you prefer to absorb information visually, auditorily, or through the written word, these transcripts make sure the revolutionary content of "Woke Revealed" is accessible to you, on your preferred device, anytime, anywhere.

This is not just a bonus… It’s a tool, a reference, and perhaps even a beacon in times of confusion. A way to ensure that amidst the noise, the fluff, and the endless streams of content, you have a clear, unalterable record of truths that matter.

BONUS: How to Win the Woke Debate – Exclusive Bonus Only Available in Gold Package

$194 Digital Access or
$528 Physical FREE

In today's rapidly evolving cultural landscape, navigating complex discussions is not just an advantage; it's a requirement.

As a special bonus with Gold Packages, get exclusive access to, ‘How to Win the Woke Debate' in video, audio, and transcript formats.

"How to Win the Woke Debate" is indispensable if you feel overwhelmed or frustrated by the pervasive spread of 'woke' ideology. No, this isn't about disagreement or proving a point; it's about safeguarding your ability to engage in meaningful, respectful dialogue without losing ground or compromising your values.

If you find yourself on the front lines of these conversations—whether at the dinner table, in the workplace, or within academic settings—How to Win the Woke Debate offers a lifeline. It provides concrete strategies, language tips, and psychological insights to not only hold your own in debates but to do so in a way that fosters understanding and respect, rather than division.

Articulate your views with confidence, clarity, and conviction, ensuring you're heard and respected… Even by those who may not initially agree with you.

Let’s face it – Discussions can quickly become contentious these days. How to Win the Woke Debate equips you with the tools to navigate these waters with grace and effectiveness.

Preserve relationships and advance the conversation in a productive way. How to Win the Woke Debate is your guide to becoming a more persuasive, thoughtful, and impactful communicator in all areas of your life.

BONUS: Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids – Exclusive Bonus Only Available in Gold Package

$194 Digital Access or
$528 Physical FREE

Modern education institutions often promote the Woke ideology. That’s why we created Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids.

As a special bonus with Gold Packages, get exclusive access to, 'Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids' in video, audio, and transcript formats.

An essential resource for any parent or grandparent witnessing their (grand)child's educational journey become entangled with ideologies that don't align with their family's values… Specifically, Woke ideology

It’s a practical guide to understand, prevent, and even reverse the Woke sway that college and university environments often have on students. It's not about opposing a differing viewpoint; it's about equipping your (grand)children with the critical thinking skills needed to navigate and scrutinize all perspectives they encounter. This ensures they develop a well-rounded, informed worldview that respects diversity of thought.


Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids serves as a bridge for open, constructive dialogue within families.

It provides strategies for discussions that respect individual autonomy while fostering a shared understanding. For parents of grandparents striving to maintain a close relationship with their college-aged (grand)children amidst the whirlwind of societal pressures, this bonus is indispensable.

Ignorance Is No Longer Bliss — It's a Liability

'Woke Revealed' is more than just a documentary... It's an urgent call to action, a sobering wake-up call designed to empower you, equip you, and prompt you into meaningful action.

The stakes have never been higher, and the time to act is now.

Think of it as an educational toolkit that provides you with the comprehensive understanding and analytical skills you'll need to navigate the turbulent waters ahead.

Instead of being blindsided by rapid social and cultural changes, you'll be well-prepared to face them head-on, with a deep reservoir of knowledge at your disposal…

… And help others to do the same.

You Are The Expert Now

Gone are the days of relying solely on media narratives or public opinion to shape your views.

Now… You, armed with facts, nuanced perspectives, and critical viewpoints that many avoid and few dare to explore are an unstoppable force against those who aim to put their thumb on you and your family.

Whether you're in the break room, the boardroom, or the living room, you'll be the one capable of articulating a well-rounded and informed opinion when the topic of 'Wokeness' comes up.

Plus… This transformation doesn't stop at you.

Imagine this:

Think of your knowledge and awareness like a big rock thrown into a lake. When it hits the surface, it makes waves that keep going outward. These waves are like the changes you are about to make in your friendships, family, and even people you don't know well.

Just as the rock makes ripples in the water, what you know and share ripples outward affecting everyone around you… And everyone around them.

How far will your influence reach?

Picture this:

You … a beacon of clarity in a sea of confusion, a voice of reason in a chorus of noise. In a world where the term 'Woke' is so often misunderstood, misused, or weaponized, you are now in the power position.

So, if you're looking for a passive viewing experience, this isn't it.

'Woke Revealed' is your call to peacefully and patriotically take America back. To engage, and to transform. Because the world as you know it is changing fast, and you can't afford to be left behind.

Own this exclusive release in its entirety. (half off for a limited time with amazing FREE bonuses)...

The Storm of Truth Is Brewing — Act Now or Be Swept Away

Don't mistake this for mere theatrics; the urgency is real and palpable.

You’re here now, you’re reading this page, the clock is ticking, and you know every moment of indecision is a lost opportunity to save your birthright from those who want to take it from you.

That’s how you know… When we say 'hurry,' we mean it. The bonuses and your massive discount expire when the documentary premiere closes.

I’m sure you’d agree this is an offer too valuable to overlook, and too time-sensitive to wait on… So don’t file this away for later — The future waits for no one.

In a Nutshell?

Whether you admit it or not…You sense the turbulence ahead.

It’s the unease you feel in routine moments whispering to your subconsciousness.

One can give an unexpected gift to another for no reason… It’s as if you're standing at the precipice, peering into an abyss. The air feels charged, filled with the tension of coming change.

Denying it is an option, and ignoring it means you'll be unprepared for a future that doesn't care if you're ready or not.

The question isn't if the winds of change will come, but whether you'll be the leaf tossed aimlessly in its gusts, or the one who understands the wind, ready to harness its power.

Either you'll be primed to navigate, adapt, and react, or you'll find yourself blindsided, frantic, and seeking rescue.

Join the one community that's not just expanding… It’s pouring gasoline on the spark of a global movement.

Brought to you in a stunningly shot and utterly compelling documentary, "Woke Revealed" is your key to unlocking the secrets from within.

Act Now and Seize This Limited-Time Opportunity to Own 'Woke Revealed' at a Massive Discount—Plus, Unlock All Your Free Bonuses

Don't let this moment pass you by. This special offer to own 'Woke Revealed' is available for a limited time only. Take decisive action today to claim your significant discount and secure all your exclusive bonuses while this incredible opportunity lasts.

Woke Revealed is your stand against being silenced, misinformed, or left behind in these turbulent times.

It’s your ticket to comprehensive understanding of this complex issue, as well as practical tools and information that can guide meaningful action.

Take a stand, and be prepared, informed, and capable of not just understanding but also influencing the world around you.

Choose your package that best represents your desire for empowered and actionable insights to navigate a rapidly changing social, cultural, and potentially financial landscape.

Select Your Package

Whether you’re looking to simply explore "Woke Revealed" or dive deeper into its expansive content, we have tailored two packages to suit your preferences: the Silver Package and the Expanded Gold Package.

Each offers unique features designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with the documentary's critical themes.

Act Now, because this Premier Special PLUS Bonuses is available for a limited time.

Offers the documentary in various formats, ensuring you can enjou the film in a way that suits your lifestyle

  • Complete 2-Part Film
  • PLUS Audio mp3 of the film
  • PLUS Complete Transcript of the film in pdf format

Yes! Send i want on demand access to silver

A more comprehensive experience with all the benefits of the Silver Package and much more, allowing for an in-depth exploration

  • Complete 2-Part Film
  • PLUS 20+ hours of the most fascinating full-length uncut interviews - backstage and behind the scenes (digital + DVD)
  • PLUS Audio mp3 of the film AND 20+ hours of uncut interviews
  • PLUS Complete Transcript in pdf format AND 20+ hours of uncut interviews
  • PLUS How to Win the Woke Debate
  • PLUS Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids

Yes! Send i want on demand access to gold

Why Gold?

More Content: Over 20 hours of uncut, uncensored interviews provide deeper insights.

Greater Value: Additional educational resources offer tools for practical application and deeper understanding of the cultural landscape.

Exclusive Bonuses: Only in the Gold Package, gain access to unique materials that are not available in the Silver Package, such as advanced educational guides and an additional mysterious bonus in the physical version.

Yes! Send i want on demand access to gold

Hear From Leading Experts During This Exclusive Event


And remember…

When you join us by owning Woke Revealed, you are supporting our ability to continue to bring you the truth.

Unwavering Confidence with Our Unmatched 30-Day, 100% Money-Back, Triple Guarantee

Absolute Assurance for Your Peace of Mind

We understand the decision to explore "Woke Revealed" might come with hesitation. That's not only natural; it's prudent. That's why we've crafted our unparalleled 30-Day, 100% Money-Back, Triple Guarantee.

Here's how it works:

  1. Expert Insight Guarantee: If the insights from our roster of experts don't resonate or provide the clarity and understanding we've promised…
  2. Value Beyond Measure Guarantee: If you don't feel the knowledge and strategies you've acquired offer immeasurable value…
  3. Experience Excellence Guarantee: Or, if something as simple as the aesthetics of our members' area doesn't meet your expectations…

No elaborate forms. No hoops to jump through. A single email or phone call, and we ensure your investment is refunded in full.

Commitment-Free Exploration: This is your invitation to explore "Woke Revealed" without reservations. Embrace empowerment. Equip yourself with knowledge that paves the path to intellectual freedom in these trying times.

Simply select your package now… risk-free.


This guarantee is more than a policy.

It's our commitment to you.

Your journey towards understanding and navigating the complex maze of 'woke culture', armed with confidence and insight, starts now.

In Knowledge Lies Power In Action Lies Change

Reflect for a moment—what future do you desire for yourself, and what dreams do you hold for your children's tomorrow?

In an age where the narrative is often dictated by the few, standing on the sidelines could mean letting those futures slip silently through our fingers.

The Cost of Inaction: Failing to arm ourselves with crucial knowledge isn't just a passive choice; it's a gamble with our most cherished hopes at stake. The truth? When power is relinquished, reclaiming it is a battle many never win.

The Power of One: Remember, the shape of your future and that of the next generation rests firmly in your hands. While 99% of the populace remains veiled in the darkness of misinformation, you have the opportunity to illuminate your path.

Ignorance Isn’t Bliss: Facing an unknown enemy is a battle lost before it begins. Your best defense? Knowledge. And if not from "Woke Revealed," then where? The truth is scarce in a world eager to obscure it.

Take the Reins: It's time to dispel the shadows. "Woke Revealed" and the bounty of bonuses it entails are not just resources; they're beacons. By choosing to engage, you don’t just learn—you lead.

Your Next Step: The logical choice is clear. Embrace "Woke Revealed" and all its insights by clicking the button below. Unlock the gateway to knowledge and confidence.

Offers the documentary in various formats, ensuring you can enjou the film in a way that suits your lifestyle

  • Complete 2-Part Film
  • PLUS Audio mp3 of the film
  • PLUS Complete Transcript of the film in pdf format

Yes! Send i want on demand access to silver

A more comprehensive experience with all the benefits of the Silver Package and much more, allowing for an in-depth exploration

  • Complete 2-Part Film
  • PLUS 20+ hours of the most fascinating full-length uncut interviews - backstage and behind the scenes (digital + DVD)
  • PLUS Audio mp3 of the film AND 20+ hours of uncut interviews
  • PLUS Complete Transcript in pdf format AND 20+ hours of uncut interviews
  • PLUS How to Win the Woke Debate
  • PLUS Rescuing Your Woke College Student Kids

Yes! Send i want on demand access to gold

Seeking Answers?
Uncover the Truth with 'Woke Revealed'

Q: What exactly will I gain from "Woke Revealed"?

A: "Woke Revealed" provides a comprehensive exploration into the depths of 'woke culture,' offering insights, critical thinking strategies, and practical tips for navigating its impact on society, workplaces, and personal freedom. You'll gain knowledge, empowerment, and the tools to engage in informed discussions.

Q: Is "Woke Revealed" for everyone?

A: While "Woke Revealed" tackles complex and sometimes controversial themes, it is crafted for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of 'woke culture' and its societal implications. Whether you're directly affected or simply curious, there's invaluable insight for you.

Q: How is "Woke Revealed" different from other analyses on 'woke culture'?

A: Unlike other resources that may offer surface-level critiques or one-sided views, "Woke Revealed" stands out by offering balanced, well-researched insights and actionable strategies for effectively engaging with and understanding 'woke culture' from a position of informed strength.

Q: What if I find the content doesn't meet my expectations?

A: We stand behind "Woke Revealed" with an unmatched 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Whether it's a mismatch in expectations or simply a change of heart, your investment is protected. A simple email or call, and we'll process your full refund.

Q: Can I share "Woke Revealed" with my family and friends?

A: Absolutely, we encourage sharing the insights and discussions sparked by "Woke Revealed" with your close circle. However, each purchase grants access to one user for the member's area and bonuses. For widespread access, please consider multiple copies.

Q: How soon can I access the content after purchase?

A: Instantly. Once your purchase is complete, you'll receive an email with login details to the member's area, where all content, including bonuses, is immediately available for your dive into understanding and empowerment.

Q: When will my physical 'Woke Revealed' package ship?

A: We understand how eager you are to dive into the insights and materials included in your 'Woke Revealed' package. For all orders containing physical products, we're committed to preparing and shipping your package via USPS Media Mail within 2 weeks after the free viewing period closes. Shipping times vary depending on your location, but domestic orders generally arrive within 5-10 business days. Your journey towards enlightenment and empowerment is just around the corner, and we thank you in advance for your patience and excitement.

Q: Are there any ongoing fees or subscriptions required?

A: No, your purchase of "Woke Revealed" is a one-time investment for on demand access to the content and any future updates to the material.

Q: How can I make the most out of "Woke Revealed"?

A: Approach the content with an open mind and readiness to engage critically. Utilize the provided strategies in your daily interactions, and don’t hesitate to revisit segments as societal dynamics evolve. Participation in the community discussion is also highly encouraged.

Q: What if I have more questions or need support?

A: Our dedicated support team is here to assist! Whether it's questions about the content, access issues, or further inquiries on navigating 'woke culture,' reach out via email or our support hotline available on the "Woke Revealed" website.

Thank you for supporting our ability to continue to brond you the truth.